Friends, Associations and Affiliations

Community Service

One of our Core Values is “to give back to the communities that we live and work”.  Texas Injection Molding is proud of Houston and is committed to serve the Houston Community in a variety of ways.
Houston Rotary
The Downtown Rotary Club of Houston
The Downtown Rotary Club of Houston is part of Rotary International’s worldwide network of 34,000 clubs throughout 200 countries on every continent. Rotary is the largest international service organization in the world with a global network of over 1.2 million business and professional leaders, and problem-solvers who see a world where people unite and act to create lasting change across the globe, in our communities, in ourselves, while having fun.

 Rotary Motto:
  • Is it the TRUTH?
  • Is it FAIR to all concerned?
  • Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?


Society of Plastic Engineers
Society of Plastic Engineers
Plastic Medical Device Manufacturers
Plastic Medical Device Manufacturers
Association of Plastic processors
Association of Plastic processors
Houston Manufacturing
Houston Manufacturing

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